Savoury Pastries
The busier our lives get the less time we set aside to prepare breakfasts, lunches as well as our evening meals. ‘On-the-go food’ is a rapidly growing option and if you’re not providing minor snacking or take-away options then you’re missing out! The ‘on-the-go food’ industry is worth £20.2 billion in the UK (FCSI, 2015) alone and we don’t see it slowing down in future years.
Pastries, snacking and ‘on-the-go’ all roll into a perfect combination that offer consumers an alternative to the lucrative pre-packed sandwich market. Our extensive variety of pastries includes bake-off, thaw and serve and individually wrapped products.
Our European suppliers create bespoke products that aren’t readily available throughout the UK market. Contact us now and differentiate yourself from other retailers with distinct pastry based snack offerings.